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Everyone has a newsletter these days. I follow quite a few of them and enjoy them all. If I had a marketing team, they would likely be urging me to start a newsletter. I'm not yet sure that's a good idea, but there are times when the crowded thoughts start to triangulate and demand something that is not exactly review, not exactly commentary. As any seasoned cook knows, there are times when you take a little wisdom (aka garlic, onions, and butter is never a bad starting spot) and whatever ingredients you need to use, and the combination equals dinner. So, I'm not quite ready to call this a newsletter. Let's call it midweek dinner instead.

My first newsletter was either Kottke's Noticing (currently on hiatus) or Austin Kleon's weekly list. He led me to several others, though I can't remember if he's responsible for connecting me with Robin Sloan's letter (which ended in December but can still be found here for now), or if that came when I finally read Mr. Penumbra last year. Either way, it was those newsletters that compelled me to build this site, to create a space where I could create in space without the trappings of social media to entangle. Though traffic and followers do matter a bit (they help to secure interviews and give credence to requests made as a reviewer), posting to your own site allows you to do the work that matters to you without worrying about, well, everything else.

So, what's on the menu for this midweek dinner? Not sure yet, but here are the ingredients:

I'll post it here on Wednesdays. You can sign up (here) to receive it as an email if you'd prefer.

The task of a reviewer (or librarian or bookseller) is to celebrate a work of excellence, to entice a reader to give a title a chance, all without revealing key elements of the plot. This task is especially difficult for those of us who prefer to encounter a new title with very little advance information. Add to that difficulty the complexity of the young reader, and the burden is tremendous. When reviewing books for young readers, my aim is to help parents, librarians, and teachers (and the readers themselves!) know if the book is a good match - for an individual or for their collection. That job is never more difficult than with an amazing book like A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C. A. Fletcher.

This book was selected for the 2020 ALA Alex Awards, ten titles written for adults that have "crossover" appeal for young readers. Books like this are often crucial for a certain category of reader, the avid reader who wants more complexity but might not be ready (emotionally or mentally) for the content of adult novels. And this book comes with the following "note on spoilers" from the author:

"It'd be a kindness to other readers -- not to say this author -- if the discoveries made as you follow Griz's journey into the ruins of our world remained a bit of a secret between us . . ."

Even without the warning, the urge to push this book on another reader with nothing more than a "just trust me" would be strong. It is a powerful, convicting look at the world dozens of years after a relatively mysterious END, and besides being an excellent story, it asks such probing questions as

"With so many marvels around you, did you stop seeing some of them?"

Griz is a teenager, growing up in a world after the world as we know it has ended. Like every great dystopian or post-apocalyptic novel, A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World is not really about the future; it is about the present. It is about us, and how we choose to respond to it is the point.

Near the end of the book, one of the characters says,

"no one knows the end of their own story, not except the very end, where they die. Not even you, Griz. Now we have to go."

And it is so true. There is no certainty other than the fact that we will each of us die, and that fact can be a comfort or a trouble, depending on your perspective.

This book leaves the reader with much to ponder. Questions of power and secrets, questions of stories and who gets to finish them, who is the monster and who the main character, and just how much we take for granted. Do read it, please.


The best books spark the best conversations! If you have thoughts to share, please feel free to email me at I promise a reply.

Every Wednesday, I send out something of a hodgepodge of ideas, a gathering of thoughts on books, culture, and unexpected moments of joy. Sign up here to stay in the loop!


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